Tuesday, April 10, 2012


Dear Heavenly Father,

We thank you for the awesome gift of your Son who gave so freely and lovingly to ensure our hope of salvation.

We thank you for the gift of forgiveness and for sending your beloved Son to be our pathway into life everlasting.

We praise you for the unconditional love you give us everyday – especially on those days when we fall and stumble.

We thank you for always being there to pick us up, drag us or carry us along the pathway to you and toward eternal life.

We thank you for the gift of your grace – the gift of our faith. Without it we know we would be lost.

We praise you for the gift of our seven sacraments where we most deeply feel your grace and amazing love for us. Help us to always fully experience the depth of your love every time we celebrate each beautiful sacrament you’ve given us.

We thank you for each moment you give us here on earth and pray we use these precious moments to draw closer to you; to do your will.

With this bright new day as we celebrate Jesus’ resurrection, let it be also a resurrection for us - a new beginning to our own life in Christ.

We pray in the name of your beloved Son, our Savior Jesus Christ.


~ Melissa Knoblett-Aman ~


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